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And Still, We Persist


It's been almost 2 years since we launched this website, and nearly 3 years since our intrepid team of researchers started meeting to talk about class privilege in counselor education. We all have full-time jobs outside of this project so our work hasn't been as quick as any of us would like. We also did a rather spectacular belly-flop when we tried to launch our survey last spring. But that is the nature of research - it is sometimes slow, it rarely ever goes as planned, and it requires making a lot of adjustments along the way. We could write a whole article on our research process alone (and we just might, at some point)!

The good news is, we're still here. We persist. And we are once again collecting data. This time, we're just focusing on reaching current or recently graduated (in the last 5 years) master's or doctoral students. If you'd like to help us with that, you can: 1) take the survey if you qualify; or 2) Spread the word about our survey to student and recent grads you know who would qualify. You can even use our Canva image below:

With any luck, in the next few months we'll be able to give you some quick snapshots of what we learn. We continue to appreciate all of the interest and support we have received for this project - it's a heavy lift, but we're reminded all the time that many hands make light work!

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